Improved chemical processing through special separation
Chemical and green chemical processes rely on separation, whether that’s to remove impurities or to achieve the right particles sizes in fluids. Alfa Laval separators can perform the tasks exactly as required in a matter of seconds, while reducing waste and emissions and increasing total yields.
Innovation through proven technology
- Safe, efficient and reliable separator performance across a wide range of chemical and green chemical processes
- Efficiently separates and removes the finest unwanted particles, droplets and contaminants from your chemicals
- Fast separation saves time and money, while optimizing OPEX
- Improves sustainability by enabling liquid recovery and reuse
- Reduces overall waste and emissions
We know that one of the most significant challenges for chemical and green chemical companies is removing the smallest particles, or even keeping the required particles a consistent size. Alfa Laval separators are designed specifically to be able to perform this in seconds. This shorter process response time reduces OPEX and requires less process inventory, which offers a quick return on investment. Meanwhile, the reduced waste ensures that your business operates in a more sustainable way.
Special separation simplified
Many chemical companies look to filtration as a solution to their separation needs, but this method can be troublesome and produces more waste than necessary. With high-speed centrifugal separation, you can achieve the same results with much less effort and much less waste. It’s also possible to specify your exact separation requirements and invest in the equipment that’s built for your needs.

Separators for chemical and green chemical industries
CH 20
Skid-mounted disc stack separation system for industrial applications or pilot plants with small throughput. CH 20 separates liquids and fine solids in streams with small amounts of solids.
From 100 l/h to 4 m3/h depending on application.
CH 300
Modularized disc stack separation system for industrial applications with medium throughput. CH 300 separates liquids and fine solids in streams with small amounts of solids.
From 1 m3/h to 30 m3/h per hour depending on application.
CH 600
Modularized disc stack separation system for industrial applications with medium throughput. CH 600 separates liquids and fine solids in streams with small amounts of solids.
From 1 m3/h to 60 m3/h depending on application
CH 700
Modularized disc stack separation system for industrial applications with medium throughput. CH 700 separates liquids and fine solids in streams with small amounts of solids.
From 1 – 70 m3/h per hour depending on application
No shear acceleration of feed ensures product integrity and exceptional yield
CH 900
Modularized disc stack separation system for industrial applications with medium throughput. CH 900 separates liquids and fine solids in streams with small amounts of solids.
From 1 m3/h to 90 m3/h depending on application
No shear acceleration of feed ensures product integrity and exceptional yield
Discover the entire product range
Define your needs
We can help you to find out whether a centrifugal separator is the right solution for your specific needs. Through Alfa Laval Explore, our innovative web tool, you can discover more about how separation can potentially improve your process efficiency. You can, for example, calculate separation performance based on your data, get guidance and calculation tools for lab spin tests and learn about pilot tests. We have made it simpler than ever for you to get going, and we are there to help you when you want to via chat, augmented reality or email.
Ubrzanje održivih rešenja
Zamislite održiviji svet. Svet u kome je potrebno manje da bi se proizvelo još više. Svet u kome efikasno zadovoljavamo naše rastuće energetske potrebe i istovremeno smanjujemo emisiju CO2. Zamislite svet u kome možemo da iskoristimo snagu prirodnih resursa dok ih istovremeno čuvamo. U kompaniji Alfa Laval ne samo da zamišljamo ovaj svet. Mi ga i gradimo zajedno sa našim kupcima i našim partnerima.

Sustainable separation
It’s crucial for the chemical and green chemical industries to operate in a sustainable, environmentally conscious way. By investing in an Alfa Laval separator, you can reduce your waste and emissions, which can have a significant impact on your environmental performance. It's also common that sustainability-driven processes use bacteria, yeast or algae, and for these processes, centrifugal separation is the ideal separation method.

Reliable performance
With Alfa Laval as your service partner you have the full support of our global network of dedicated service experts. We offer a wide range of services spanning the entire lifetime of your separation system. Read more about our service offering for separators.

Contact us
If you are looking for superior separation performance, contact Alfa Laval today to learn more about our robust and cost efficient solutions.