Tretman komunalnih otpadnih voda
Alfa Laval helps reduce the environmental footprint from water and waste streams, by maximizing reuse of water, by turning waste to value, and by minimizing energy consumption and waste. We offer a complete spectrum of equipment for wastewater treatment, filtration and sludge treatment that helps produce clean effluent water for discharge or water reuse, recover heat and reduce the amount of sludge for disposal.
Process and product overview
With Alfa Laval as your partner, you gain the dual advantage of access to leading wastewater expertise as well as one of the widest ranges of wastewater treatment equipment.
Wastewater filtration
Sludge dewatering
Sludge thickening
Sequencing batch reactor
Biological wastewater treatment
Heat Exchangers
Predstаvljаmo novi Alfа Lаvаl ALDEC G3 VecFlow™
Dobijte neuporedivu efikаsnost zа odvodnjаvаnje i zgušnjаvаnje muljа otpаdnih vodа.
Products and knowledge to help you optimize your industrial or municipal wastewater treatment plant
Our wastewater treatment experts are happy to assist contractors, designers and plant operators by giving advice on how to optimize operations. Regardless of whether it is an industrial or municipal wastewater treatment plant, new or old, we can help you:
- lower the total operating costs (energy, maintenance, etc.)
- maximize resource reuse (water, nutrients)
- reduce energy use, polymer consumption and disposal costs
- optimize cake dryness and effluent quality
- increase capacity
- minimize engineering and investment costs
- reduce installation and start-up costs
- ensure on-time project completion
- optimize investment and operational costs
Rešenja za cirkularnu ekonomiju
Sve više postrojenja za prečišćavanje otpadnih voda otkriva prednosti kružnog, holističkog pristupa prečišćavanju otpadnih voda. Uštede na troškovima, smanjeni uticaj na životnu sredinu i novi tokovi prihoda od oporavljenih resursa su samo neki. Svako postrojenje za prečišćavanje otpadnih voda je jedinstveno i ima svoj skup izazova i mogućnosti. Sa našom stručnošću u preradi i našim širokim spektrom proizvoda, možemo podržati vaš prelazak na kružni tok resursa. Bez obzira da li ste izvođač radova, projektant ili operater postrojenja, možemo vam pomoći da pronađete optimalno rešenje za vaš specifični projekat.
Why work with us?
With Alfa Laval as your partner the process is simplified. Whether you build or operate a wastewater plant you get access to:
- Industry-leading wastewater expertise based on the experience from thousands of installations
- One of the widest product ranges for wastewater treatment, covering a variety of different technologies
- Assistance in analysing your unique situation and selecting the optimal equipment for your needs and budget.