Alfa Laval P3 decanter centrifuges help eliminate many of the problems associated with tailings dam operations and filtration technologies. They are a proven and effective dewatering solution for slimes, clays and silts and other fine tailings. The special deep-pond design, the unique conveyor and the optimized cone angle enable you to treat volumes. The resultant spadeable cake can be disposed of by co-disposal or dry stacking while the separated water can be recycled for reuse.
Built to last with highest throughput on the market
- Able to dewater ultrafine material < 10 micron in continuous operation
- Robust design (fully wear protected) for high reliability
- No filter cloth, limited quantity of wash-water at shutdown
- Low capital and installation cost
- Can be trialled on a pilot for proof of concept and then scaled up
Ubrzanje održivih rešenja
Zamislite održiviji svet. Svet u kome je potrebno manje da bi se proizvelo još više. Svet u kome efikasno zadovoljavamo naše rastuće energetske potrebe i istovremeno smanjujemo emisiju CO2. Zamislite svet u kome možemo da iskoristimo snagu prirodnih resursa dok ih istovremeno čuvamo. U kompaniji Alfa Laval ne samo da zamišljamo ovaj svet. Mi ga i gradimo zajedno sa našim kupcima i našim partnerima.

Kako radi
Alfa Laval P3 decanter centrifuges are specifically designed to separate mining and mineral slurries, tailings and sludge into a solid phase and liquid phases. Separation takes place in a horizontal cylindrical bowl equipped with a scroll conveyor. The product is led into the bowl through a stationary inlet tube and is then smoothly accelerated in a full-flow feed zone design. Centrifugal forces of up to 3,500 G make the solids accumulate on the inner surface of the bowl. The conveyor rotates in the same direction as the bowl, but at a different speed. This moves the solids towards the conical end of the bowl. The solids leave the bowl through the solids discharge openings into the casing. Separation takes place throughout the length of the cylindrical part of the bowl, and the clarified liquid leaves the bowl by flowing over adjustable plate dams into the casing.
Learn more
Read more about the efficiency, practicality and technical details of the Alfa Laval P3 solid-bowl decanter centrifuge by downloading the leaflet.

Customer stories
Read how our P3 decanters have revolutionized tailings management in various environments
Rix’s Creek Coal Preparation Plant, Australia
Alfa Laval decanter centrifuge has provided an alternate method of coal tailings management at Rix’s Creek and delivered significant savings in capital expenditures , water consumption and energy usage.

Mature fine tailings, Canada
More than 30 Alfa Laval decanter centrifuges have been installed at three different tailings treatment sites in Canada. The decanters have proven to be an outstandingly efficient solution for large-scale dewatering of tailings. With their large capacity, high efficiency and reliability, Alfa Laval decanter centrifuges have set a new standard for tailings treatment.

Eti Maden, Turkey
The world’s largest borate mining company, Eti Maden in Turkey, uses an array of fully protected Alfa Laval decanter centrifuges to separate tailings from a saturated borate solution. The company is very pleased with the long track record of reliable operation, low maintenance costs and strong local service support from Alfa Laval.

Ask the experts!
If you are looking for ways to increase the efficiency of your tailings management and make a meaningful contribution to the global sustainable development goals, contact Alfa Laval today to learn more about our proven and cost efficient solutions.