Tretman palminog ulja

Proizvodnja palminog ulja za komercijalnu upotrebu skoro uvek obuhvata i fizičko rafinisanje (modifikaciju primenom kiselina, beljenje i deacidifikaciju). Otprilike 95% palminog ulja se prerađuje frakcionisanjem – separacijom sirovine na njenu tečnu i čvrstu komponentu kristalizacijom. Ovi kristali se zatim razdvajaju od tečne frakcije membranskom filtracijom. Kompanija Alfa Laval nudi asortiman različite opreme koja se često koristi u mlinovima za proizvodnju neprerađenog palminog ulja (CPO)

 palm oil processing

Your challenges are our inspiration

  • Reduce oil losses and improve your processes
  • Take proactive steps towards meeting food safety regulations
  • Minimize the negative impacts on the environment while saving raw materials, energy and waste management costs
  • Adhere to increasingly stringent environmental regulation
  • Save total cost of ownership with preventive equipment maintenance

Rešenja kompanije Alfa Laval su dobro dokazana za upotrebu u instalacijama za proizvodnju palminog ulja kapaciteta do 3000 tona dnevno. Sposobnost postizanja konzistentnih nivoa korisnog rada kao i izuzetni prerađivački rezultati vam omogućuju popriličnu dozu bezbrižnosti.

Naša znanja i pomoć su lako dostupni – na primer iz našeg postrojenja u Kuala Lumpuru, Malezija, u blizini glavnih regiona u svetu koji se bave proizvodnjom palminog ulja.


Our customers:

Ban Dung palm oil industries impressed with the Alfa Laval PANX 800 

The Alfa Laval PANX 800 is a cumulation of decades of innovation and breakthrough by the Alfa Laval R&D team. This high capacity and high performance decanter is now ready to meet the needs of the palm oil industry. 

Vebinar za industriju jestivog ulja

Naši stručnjaci dele know-how u pogledu optimizacije procesa rafinacije jestivog ulja, uklanjanja nečistoća i isparljivih komponenti za bolji kvalitet proizvoda, bezbednost i prinos.

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Find solutions to your challenges


Meet the new PANX 800

With the introduction of Alfa Laval's new palm oil decanter centrifuge model, PANX 800, the PANX range is now suitable for every size of palm oil mill, from 30 to approximately 90 tons of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) per hour, and for a variety of crude palm oil applications.

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Downtime is a costly business. With a total of 11 service centres peppered across South East Asia, you can be sure of getting local support that is close to you, in the shortest time possible. From start-up and commissioning to basic maintenance, upgrades, online monitoring and process optimization, partnering with Alfa Laval ensures top level efficiency and full control over your service budget.

On top of that, our Asia Pacific Distribution Centre for spare parts located in Singapore means a reliable supply of essential spare parts for times in need. 

With tailored preventive maintenance agreement, you can also be guaranteed of a peace of mind where all services are planned in advance. We handle the practicalities; you focus on your core business.


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